The 18th China Cored Wire Industrial Supply Chain Intl Conference

The 18th China Cored Wire Industrial Supply Chain Intl Conference

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The 18th China Cored Wire Industrial Supply Chain Intl Conference

Venue:Zhenzhou ,China    Date June 24-26,2024

Conference Background


HostInternational Metallurgical Resources Industry Association

Cored Wire Sub Association   &





FocusCored Wire application and Technical Innovation, Raw Materials Safe Supply chain, Market Outlook


Target of Conference

Do Information Exchange, Encourage Technical innovation , Support Trade Matching, Make Progress in application in Foundry and Steel Smelting  

Industry Brief Background

With the continuous improvement of steel and Casting quality, the usage of various cored wire products in the process of steel smelting and Casting is increasing. Especially solid calcium wire has been widely used in many large-scale iron and steel enterprises and there is a trend to enlarge and replace other alloy cored wires. As a big country of iron and steel smelting and casting, China has higher requirements on the quality of iron and steel and cast iron. Cored wire is more and more widely used in the fields of iron and steel smelting and casting to decrease impurities in steel liquid. The Quality of cored wire has a great influence on the reduction of slag, the yield rate of purified molten steel and effect of desulfurization and deoxidation, especially in the process of microalloying. There are many kinds of cored wire products related to foundry and fteel industries, such as silicon calcium, metal calcium, ferro-calcium, magnesium powder, iron powder, carbon powder, ferro-boron, ferro-phosphorus, ferrotitanium, rare earth silicon magnesium, nitride ferrochrome, nitride ferromanganese, nitride ferrosilicon, silicon barium, silicon calcium barium, silicon ferro-aluminium and silicon calcium barium aluminum to the foundry and casting. And seamless calcium metal cored wire, and calcium silicon cored wire have broad prospects in application in steel sector.

In this conference, experts from technical departments of steel mills and foundry enterprises, raw material and production enterprises, scientific research institutes and industry analysts will be invited to discuss hot issues in the industry including the market situation and development trend of cored wires and raw materials, the innovation and technology application of cored wire products, the quality demand for cored wire in the steel and foundry industry, the self-discipline of cored wire industry, and the use of the internet plus for the production and sales of innovative cored wire products.

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